Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why Working At An Upscale Spa Equals More Dollars In Your Pocket

Working at an Upscale Spa Equals More Dollars in Your Pocket

Working at an upscale spa equals more dollars in your pocket for a very simple reason: price of services. Let's assume you work as an esthetician at a hair salon and you get a 50/50 split on all services. If the salon charges $60.00 for a facial you get $30.00 plus tip. You are probably thinking that isn't bad at all, and that it is rare to find $30.00 per hour at any job much less esthetics.  With a 20% tip, it would be roughly $36.00 per hour. OK, now envision yourself working at an upscale spa that charges $80.00 per basic facial with a 50/50 split as well,  that is a whopping $40.00 per hour plus tip. Assuming a client tips at 20% you would have earned roughly $48.00 per hour. That is outstanding!
There is nothing wrong with working at a regular salon or spa, but if you can get a job at a more upscale spa you have the potential to earn a significant amount of money in comparison to a regular salon. It is something to think about when you decide where to apply. Of course, if the only job you can get is at a regular salon, by all means you want to earn money while you wait for the next big gig, but if you have a choice "work smarter, not harder."
Good luck!

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