Monday, December 9, 2013

Estheticians Working From Home

                         Last week one of my favorite readers was kind enough to share with us a picture of her home treatment room. It was a work of art, it showcases her passion and love for the business.
                 Working typical spa hours is not always an option for some estheticians, and giving up their passion is never an option. These estheticians might consider what it would be like to have an a home spa.

                  If this is the best option for you make sure you check your licensing and cosmetology laws. Many states require that you have a separate bathroom and entrance from the house.

                  Next, be realistic about equipment and supply prices, if you have never operated your own spa business before you might have sticker shock. It is easy to envision our luxurious spa when we don't have to actually foot the bill. When we are working at somebody else's spa we all day dream about adding this cool piece of equipment or this beautiful piece of furniture, but the reality is when you have to manage the budget yourself and the dollars come from your own pocket things change.

              Think about using a spa software system so your clients can book online instead of having to call you. I like Mind & Body, Schedulicity, and Styleseat--all of them have many packages at different price points. Don't forget a nice website and business cards.

               You will also have to manage pets and children (and possibly husbands) to make sure you spa has complete silence. In addition, you will want to make sure your spa is safe for your children (all chemicals locked away) and that your pets do not enter your treatment room, some people have allergies.
             The great thing about working for yourself is you get to control your spa decor, product lines offered, hours, treatments and prices. It isn't for everyone but for those of you who are ready to venture off on you, working for home and not having to pay booth rent might be a great option.

             Before diving in, put a plan of action into place so your new at home spa is a great success.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you are very true in this blog and a very useful information you have updated but if i say then this is necessary to me to have quality feature like Estheticians in Barrie
