Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aging Esthetics: Why It Is Important To Get Worked On?

Many estheticians I've spoken with have not had a lot of outside- their- own-spa experiences where they have ventured out into the medical world of esthetics. Maybe that is because a lot of estheticians go into esthetics when they are young and don't need much uplifting to keep them beautiful, but even when you are young it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with anti-aging procedures: lasers, Botox, Restalyne, Juvaderm, glycolic acids, medical grade chemical peels, lifts,  and the millions of products/procedures available to our ever-changing anti-aging culture. Visiting a dermatologist's or cosmetics surgeon's office from time-to-time is a great way to familiarize yourself with the gamut of procedures available to our clients. Almost everyone has something cosmetically that they want to change, if you don't well you are one of the lucky ones, and as estheticians these experiences help expand our education into the cosmetic/beauty industry. It goes beyond just reading about these procedures, but actually experiencing them expands your knowledge.

One of the most important things about familiarizing yourself with anti-aging medical treatments, or even better trying one, is empathy. If you've never experienced a moment in your life when you wish you could change one thing about yourself you won't be able to empathize with your clients--estheticians are like bartenders in the sense that clients tell you things; they tell you personal things about their skin issues; they tell you their fears. You might think these problems are trivial, but women take great pain to stay young and beautiful. Acne, Melasma, wrinkles, dehydrated skin, sagging skin and many other skin conditions that afflict our clients...while sometimes we can help them with our products and equipment sometimes they need more. They want to feel comfortable talking to you about these issues, and while you can't advise them on procedures out of the scope of your license, you can empathize with them and tell them your experiences. This is where you can develop a good esthetician-client relationship because you will be seen as more than an esthetician, your clients will look at you as an educator and they will begin to trust your opinions.

Having a personal familiarity with these procedures catapults you into a new position with your clients, you become one of them. You are no longer an unapproachable esthetician with naturally perfect skin, clients sometimes are taken back by estheticians for fear of being scrutinized by them, but when they see you as an imperfect person that has to strive just as hard as they do to maintain your flawless skin they will relate to you differently than they did before.

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