Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meet Mylah: Newly Graduated Esthetician

Meet Mylah: Newly Graduated Esthetician

Looking at this beautiful lady you might suppose she is a fashion model not an esthetician. Mylah, recently graduated from esthetics' school and passed her state boards. Even though Mylah and I live on the opposite coasts, I've had the pleasure of getting to know her through my Grace Riley FB page. Join me, as I have had the opportunity to interview this gorgeous and sweet lady!

Mylah's Bio:
Mylah Stanton is a thirty-something wife, mom, and child of God. She is the owner of Noyce B. Skin Therapy Boutique located in Los Angeles, CA.  In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her son, attending skin care advanced education opportunities, and trying new restaurants. Wherever she goes, her life verse goes with her: Micah 7:7.
I don't know about the rest of you out there in the cyber-esthetics world, but are you thinking what I am thinking? Mylah in her 30's??? I thought she was in her early 20's--OK, so Mylah is clearly in the right profession. The second thing many of you are probably wondering is how did a recent graduate open her own business already? Read my Q & A with this amazing woman below to find out those incredible answers.

(1) How did you decide to go to esthetics' school?
"My skin was beautiful as a child and for the most part, as an adolescent. But when I hit 20 years of age, I began to suffer from cystic acne. I tried nearly every product on the market, saw several different dermatologists, and read every "get rid of acne" book I could find. I also got regular facials. Unfortunately, nothing worked and I gave up and asked my dermatologist for Accutane. Accutane was so hard on my body and I suffered many side effects. About five years ago, I decided to become a knowledgeable esthetician so that I could help others achieve healthy and clear skin right in my treatment room. It took four years to gather the tuition money, find the right school, and take the plunge. Now, I'm a newly licensed esthetician who is ready to conquer the world (Los Angeles for now) one face at a time!"

Love that Mylah was a customer before she became an esthetician--gives her a great insight into the industry and helps her learn different techniques. I highly recommend other students get facials from spas as well so you know what is a good service vs. a bad service (Grace Riley).

(2) Do you think esthetics' school prepared you for the real world of esthetics?
"No. I believe esthetics school prepared me for the State Board exam. I'm grateful for that. Our school didn't prepare us for chemical peels, bikini waxes, and many of the other modalities we'd like to use in a professional setting."
Too many schools are just state board factories, and don't take the time to teach essential esthetics' job skills. For any of you in this situation, consider buying Milady DVD's or attend post grad classes at places like The International Dermal Institute or Catherine Hinds (Grace Riley).

(3) What did you do to prepare for the state board exam? Any tips for student readers out there?
"To prepare for my state board exam, I studied a lot. I bought the practice CD from Western States Kit Company and reviewed, took practice tests, reviewed, and reviewed some more. I also outlined subjects in my Milady's text book that I knew were particularly difficult for me. I used to study and also had a few study sessions with my classmates. I think the best thing I did was prepare and then pray. God took care of the rest! For those who are preparing to take your exams, always remember that you know more than you give yourself credit for. When you get ready to take the exam, breathe and look at it as an opportunity to "show what you know" instead of a wretched E word (EXAM)."

(4) Have you gone on any interviews? What types of questions have spa owners asked you?
"Yes, I've been on a few interviews although for now, I'm choosing to venture out on my own since I still have my "day job" as a loan processor. My full-time job is funding my skin care dream so I'm keeping it for now. The interviews went well and I did receive offers."
 Students and recent grads, get your note pads out because these are real questions that Mylah was asked by potential employers! 'What service do you least like to perform? Why did you choose to seek employment with us? Since you're a new esthetician, approximately how many brazilian waxes have you done? What do you think you can offer our company if employed here? How do you best receive praise for work well-done?"

(5) Tell us one thing you wished you had learned in esthetics' school that you didn't.
"One thing I wish I would have learned in esthetics school that I didn't is chemical peels."
Anyone in this situation should look into Milady's "Chemical Exfoliation and Peels" is a terrific guide. Also, Image Skin Care (if you sign up for free account) offers online videos of chemical peels (Grace Riley).

Thank you Mylah for your candid and informative interview.



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